Friday, 24 November 2017

 Send any Messages Using QR Codes

How To Exchange Secret Messages Using QR Codes:-
 Thinking of your own way to send and receive secret messages? Well, QR codes are here for rescue. If you are more into technology, you might not be so into sending confidential messages in plain text form to the concerned person. 

What if I tell you that you can change the secret message into a QR code and then use it for message transfer? If you change the message into a QR code, the non-techy people will find it hard to figure out what to do with the QR code that they have got. 
Most probably, they wouldn’t be willing to go through the pain of understanding what is behind the secret code. So what are you waiting for? Dig into the article to start sending messages in your own confidential way!

  • First of all, go to a QR code generator website. I have used the website QRCode-Generator. Once you are there, select the type of your code. Since I am going to use plain text, I have selected Text type. Once you are done, hit Next Step button.
  • Now you can enter your secret message in the box provided as shown in the screenshot given below. Hit Next Step button once you are ready.
  • Now download your QR code in a Zip file and extract the QR code from the Zip file.
  • Once it’s all set, your QR code would look like the one shown in the following screenshot.
  • Now you can send this QR code to the person whom you want to share your secret message with. For that, simply mail them the QR image or send them the image through any other media. To read the QR image from a desktop screen or elsewhere, they need a QR image reader application. It will be integrated with most of the Android devices. If not with your device, get one from play store. I have used a popular and reliable QR reader named QR Scanner. You can use any QR reader/scanner app of your choice. Ask your friend to read the QR code, that you have sent, with this scanner.
  • Viola! Now your friend can read your message keeping its confidence. Your friend can also use the same method to generate a QR code to reply you and you can decode it using an app just as mentioned.
So what are waiting for? Now that you have found the perfect way to chat secretly, just try it out and have fun. Share the article with your friends as well. If you feel stuck with any of the steps, feel free to leave comments. We would be happy to help. Stay tuned for more tips and tricks.
Posted by Real techno tricks on November 24, 2017  No comments »


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